Akand Bhajan

Teachers and Students of the Trinidadeshwar Mahadev Vidyalaya
of Patiram Trace, Penal Trinidad & Tobago participated in an Akhand Bhajan
held on Saturday 28th May, 2011.

It was a spiritually uplifting event as teachers and students from each of the school's music classes rendered bhajans from their respective courses as follows -
  1. Sargam - Saraswati Vandana, Jai Shiva Om
  2. Shadaj - Maa Sharde, Hare Krishna Govind
  3. Rishabh - Jai Tripurari, Maa Saraswati, Jai Ganapati
In addition, Bhajans composed by Tulsidas, Soordas and other great poets were also sung. The class sung for approximately two hours.

Lyrics in Hindi, English and Translation of one of the Bhajans sung.

दीनन दुःख हरन Deen Dukh Haran Dev

दीनन दुःख हरन देव, संतनहितकारी|

अजामील गीध व्याध, इनमें कहो कौन साध,

पंछी को पद पढ़ात, गणिका सी तारी|

ध्रुव के सर छत्र देत, प्रहलाद को उबार लेत,

संत हेतु बांधों सेतु, लंकपुरी जारी|

गज को जब ग्राह ग्रसयो, दुषासन चीर खासयो,

सभा बीच कृष्ण कृष्ण, द्रोपदी पुकारी|

इतने हरी आय गए, वसनन आरूढ़ भए,

सूरदास द्वारे ठाड़ो, आंधरो भिकारी|

Deen dukh haran dev, Santan hit karee.

Ajaameel geedh vyaadh, Inme kaho kaun saadh,

Panchee ko pad parhaat, ganikaa see taaree.

Dhruv ke sar chhatr det, Prahalaad ko ubaar let,

Sant hetu baandho setu, Lankapuree jaaree.

Gaj ko jab graah grasyo, Dushaasan cheer khasyo,

Sabhaa beech Krishna Krishna, Dropadee pukaaree.

Itne Hari aay gaye, Vasanan aaroodh bhaye,

Soordaas dware thaaro, aandhro bhikhaaree.

O Bhagwan, who removes the suffering of the poor and takes care of the welfare of the saints.

Who amongst Ajamil , the vulture and the hunter-was virtuous? Even the 'ganika' ( the dancer woman), who taught the parrot verses, crossed over to the other side ( attained salvation).

You provided a parasol on Dhruva's head, uplifted Prahlaad;for the sake of your devotee Vibhishan you spanned the ocean with a bridge and razed Lanka to the ground.

When the crocodile tried to devour the elephant and when Dushaasan tried robbing Draupadi of her garments, the cry "Krishna !...Krishna!" rose amidst the congregation.

So many have come and gone in this world, Soordas the blind beggar too is at your door.