Gita Jayanti - Trinidad

Gita Jayanti is one of the important Hindu festivals observed in Trinidad & Tobago. Gita is short for Bhagwad Gita (भगवद् गीता) which means the divine song. In Trinidad & Tobago the name was often mispronounced, it was referred to as Bhaagwat Gita, but the Bhaagwat is a totally different book. By the grace of Guruji Prof. H. S. Adesh and the tuition free Hindi classes of the Bharatiya Vidya Sansthaan or BVS (as it is widely known) this error has been rectified to a great extent.

The Bhagawad Gita is a part of the Mahabharata, the Hindu epic by Ved Vyaas. The Gita is the conversation between Krishna and Arjun taking place on the battlefield before the start of the war. Its message is eternal and Bhagwan Krishna addresses everyone when solving Arjun’s problem.

On this day in Trinidad & Tobago pujas are performed, Gita slokas are recited and people give the gift of the Bhagwad Gita book.

Bhagwan Shree Krishnachandra kee jai

Brindavan Bihaari laal kee jai

Kartic 2008

On the way back

Performing Puja

Divali 2008

Divali Puja

Speaking in the Divali Program

Rajkamal singing in the Choir

Getting ready to light deyas

Posing in front the arch

Navraatri Yajya Adesh Ashram T&T Tuesday 1/10/2008

Singing Bhajans

Gurumaataaji lighting the first deya

Guruji's Pravachan (Included a new Bhajan in Raag Sarpardaa)

Navraatri Yajya Adesh Ashram T&T

Guruji conducting Durga Puja

Playing Dholak

Dholak Puja

Installing the Kalash

Birthday Girls - Jyoti & Divya

Tasting the cake

Cutting the Cake

After Puja with Guruji & Gurumaataaji


CAMP 2008

Camp Leader and assistants Dhanesh & Ranu

Shivanand and R. Maharaj

Haresh & R. Maharaj

Adesh & R. Maharaj

Alakshya Chaitanya

time in India
R. Maharaj



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Jyoti's Books

Book One : Faerie and the Legend of Shala's Reign

Book Two : Dragon Aid

Book Three : Quest

Book Four (still in progress) : Heiress